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As Seen In
YouVeeShield on NBC's Today Show!
These Gloves Will Keep Your Skin Safe During Gel Manis

"Bobbie's Buzz: Nail trends, tools and tips that you'll use all summer long"
This Bizarre-looking glove could be your Gel-Manicure Savior
UV Light-Protection Glove Will Make Your Gel Manicure Much Less Damaging
YouVeeShield Featured in Vogue China
This weird gel-manicure glove could protect your hands from harmful UV light.
"Can your gel manicure really kill you?"

endorsed by renowned dermatologist &
Nail Specialist, dr. chris adigun
YouVeeShield is thrilled to announce the recent endorsement of Dr. Chris Adigun MD, FAAD, a renowned Dermatologist and Nail Specialist, who devotes much of her time to increasing public awareness of skin cancer & the harmful effects of UV rays. She's been featured on GMA, CBS News, Fox 5 News and is constantly quoted in national publications. Dr. Adigun understands that the significant effects UV/LED lights MUST be avoided & why YouVeeShield is the only solution that is easy, affordable and effective for consumers. Dr. Adigun feels it is her "Moral responsibility," to insure everyone knows about how easy it is to protect their skin with YVS. She suggests throwing them in your wallet to insure you have them ready to use every time. (Until nail salons are smart enough to offer them!!!)
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