"Here is excerpts from a story written about the dangers of gel manicures."
What they got right –
“What got to me was the warning that UV-A radiation, like that used in gel manicures to harden the nail polish and thus make it less likely to chip, “cause(s) signs of premature aging like dark spots and wrinkles.” No bodily function causes me more useless anxiety than ‘premature aging,’ and I know I’m not alone, because I read women’s magazines, which are almost single-mindedly devoted to its prevention.”
“Additionally, the risk posed by UV light exposure is greater in adolescence. “The risk with UV is largely with its ability to interact with the DNA,” he says. “That's why early exposure is more harmful than exposure later, because people who have this damage to the DNA done early on may accumulate more effects over time.”
What they got wrong –
“Being exposed to such a low dose, for only a few minutes, on only a small percent of the total surface of the body — we don't have any data on that, because the risk would be so small that it would be almost impossible to detect it,” says Boffetta. We take a much greater risk every time we go outside on a sunny day. “Being outside on a very sunny day will make a much bigger difference, in terms of the amount of exposure people get compared to this sort of thing,” he adds. Among groups of people considered at-risk for skin cancer, gel manicure-getters are very low on the list — far below anyone who ever sunbathes, or lives in a sunny place, or works outdoors.”
Why this is incorrect-
The dose is not low. That’s why the gel cures so fast. If you tried to cure (dry) the same coats of polish in the sun millions of miles away, it won’t work. Why do you think that is? Because the lamps are 4 times hotter than the sun & the distance from the light to the skin is less than 1 cm.
UVA radiation causes premature aging of the skin. It's important to remember that
“In less than 10 minutes, a person’s hands receive an energy dose equivalent to the day-long recommended limit for outdoor workers.”
“If your skin isn’t changing color or turning red, the amount of UV light you're getting is probably very, very little.”
Why this is incorrect –
UVB radiation is primarily responsible for turning your skin red. The lamps emit primarily UVA radiation. UVA radiation does not turn one's skin red.
“…light boxes similar to those used in nail salons are also used in dermatologists’ offices to treat a number of skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema. While dermatologists’ light boxes use UV-B lighting and gel-curing boxes typically use UV-A, the former are typically much stronger, and are still considered quite safe.”
Why this is incorrect -
The wavelengths are entirely different. This makes this comparison irrelevant.
“Some places also offer LED lights in addition to UV-A to set gel manicures, and Chung suggests opting for those, if they’re available.”
Why this is incorrect -
1. Led lamps cure faster because they use more UVA radiation then the typical UV fluorescent bulbs. If you take into account the shorter time period of, the amount of exposure is equal. This is a basic law of photochemistry.
If “gel manicure getters” don’t start protecting their skin (with a product that works – YouVeeShield) the cases of premature aging will be staggering. XO